Monday 27 December 2010


I went to the university theatre to watch Cinderella which proved to be a very memorable performance. the set was so beautiful and the acting was done brilliantly. I found the pantomime very funny and enjoyable and would defiantly watch it again.

The Merry Wives Of Windsor

The naturalism of this performance being with the  costume and set gives the play a little twist. Along with this the characterisation and acting made the performance entertaining and extremely hilarious.

Urashima Taro

The performance was made by a young women along with different puppets of which she controlled. This performance was made very interesting especially due to there only being one actress. The use of a screen and projections amazed me for the scenes simply impossible to do in front of the audience. the lack of dialogue makes it a little hard to enjoy the play but in general i found it quite interesting and different.