Friday 17 June 2011

Others Review

I loved this performance!!!! it gave you every emotion you could think of in one show! i went through many different emotions watching this and also almost cried at one point but I thought it was spectacular and very well performed!!

DS Performance and Media

I foudn this performance very interesting, although quite short it was enjoyable to watch.

Under Milkwood

This was a very whitty and funny performance I enjoyed this from start to end especially the girl who had to play a drunk depressed person i found her hillarious.


Not a very enjoyable performance as I couldn't quite follow the play.

The Nutcracker review

No words can explain how amazing this play was!!! i left the show absolutely buzzing as I enjoyed it so much! It was hilarious and kept me on the edge of my seat right from the beginning.

King Leare

Although the characters were very good and the set design was amazing i did not enjoy this play and left half way through. the reason for leaving was not only due to not enjoying the piece it was also due to illness but had i enjoyed the piece i would have possibly stayed until the end. When the interval came on I thought it was the end of the play as it had been on for so long!

Landscape and Monologue

Very nice set design although the landscape set design using the gauze had no link to the performance at all. The performance was not easy to follow and the monologue was very monotone. I did not enjoy this performance at all.


a very dull and un-enjoyable performance. not very easy to keep concentration on the performance as it was so boring.
Kupenga Kwa Hamlet

November 4th 2010 I attended the Ustinov theatre to watch the performance of Hamlet. This performance was done by two Zimbabwean male actors. The combination of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and their culture put into the piece really did make a successful mix.
With gestures and changes to physicality the two male actors performed switching from character to character. The actors only used a different hand gesture and body language to distinguish the fact they had slipped into a different character. A very hard thing to do but the actors managed to pull this humorous performance off very well.
The set design used for this performance was very plain and basic. The performance only used a bare mat and a pot as the props, which throughout the performance changed position and were used for many different things, some being the difference in a scene change, musical instruments and even bodies in a scene
The two actors wore orange boiler suits, which to begin with made me forget I was watching a different interpretation of hamlet, and think of people from prison camps in America. For a short period of time I did believe this and then realised I was watching Hamlet when they started their readings of the script.
In this specific performance of Hamlet, audience participation was chosen to be used in one particular part of the performance, where the actors needed more people on stage. Considering this performance was only a two man piece, the only way they could have done this was to use audience participation, which slotted into the piece very well.
Although everything the characters did made this performance very humorous and enjoyable, I lost the concept of Hamlet and did not quite understand where we were supposed to be in the play. For this reason I did not really enjoy this performance although I did find it very interesting, the way different people can use the script, change it, and use their own interpretations in their own directions and performances.