Monday 27 December 2010


I went to the university theatre to watch Cinderella which proved to be a very memorable performance. the set was so beautiful and the acting was done brilliantly. I found the pantomime very funny and enjoyable and would defiantly watch it again.

The Merry Wives Of Windsor

The naturalism of this performance being with the  costume and set gives the play a little twist. Along with this the characterisation and acting made the performance entertaining and extremely hilarious.

Urashima Taro

The performance was made by a young women along with different puppets of which she controlled. This performance was made very interesting especially due to there only being one actress. The use of a screen and projections amazed me for the scenes simply impossible to do in front of the audience. the lack of dialogue makes it a little hard to enjoy the play but in general i found it quite interesting and different.

Sunday 21 November 2010


I recently watched a performance of Hamlet and the Unistov Theatre in Bath. I personally didn't enjoy the show, as I didn't understand what was happening due to the characters coming out of character some times and I didn't think it was very well performed to be able to properly understand it, if you hadn't ever seen or read Hamlet before.
There where only two actors the whole way through and they stayed on stage at all times and kept you intrigued at what would happen next. They used a show with in a show but I didn't understand what was happening when they did it.
The two men where from Africa and during the performance spoke in their own language which really confused me.

Blythe Spirit

I recently watched a performance of Blythe Spirit and was very intrigued by this performance. I found it very interesting with the contrast of ghostly presents and human. The  show was about a man who was writing a novel about spiritual things. He asked the local spiritualist lady to perform a seance, which didn't go the way he wanted it to as it brought back his late wife who had passed away.
Some of the other people in my class didn't enjoy this performance as a lot of the jokes made where aimed at an older audience. On the other hand I enjoyed it as I'm a very spiritualist person and the show intrigued me. I found some parts extremely funny and the ending was done very well, as they managed to  make it look like the whole place was haunted by moving everything but it happened on its own. The acting skills where very good too.

Lilly Through The Dark

Lilly Through The Dark is an extremely well performed piece of theatre. It was performed by 'The River Side People' who made the contrast between make believe and puppets an enjoyable show. It was about a little girl who dearly missed her lately passed father. She slits her wrists to try to enter the dead lands in a great wish to find him. I found this performance very enjoyable and funny at some parts especially with he hanging corpses. Others of the audience argued that the hanging corpses didn't add any enjoyment to the performance for them personally as they thought the piece was too serious to enjoy laughter.
I really enjoyed the performance though.


Enron is a new performance reflecting the credit crunch, which is a situation we are still in the middle of trying to resolve. Enron is a very good performance as it gives the audience an outlook on what actually happened to the company and how greed for wealth destroyed the company. The show goes on for too long and has scenes which are very confusing and not needed but it was an enjoyable performance.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


hiya everyone,
I'm a first year drama student and along side of this I am studying education and change. I aim to become a teacher after graduating from university.
My previous schools have been Testwood sports college, where I sat my GCSE's. Then I went to Brockenhurst College, where I did a btec national diploma in performing arts.